Mbah Rono sendiri menjadi panggilan baru bagi Dr. Surono sejak Ibu Any Yudhoyono, sang ibu negara memanggilnya dengan Mbah Rono. Dr Surono sendiri mengaku tidak keberatan dipanggil Mbah Rono gara-gara 'akrab' dengan Gunung Merapi. Namun pria bergelar doktor itu mengaku tidak kuat jika ditunjuk menjadi "juru kunci" Gunung Merapi.
Dr. Surono Lahir di Cilacap, 8 Juli 1955 pria ini menyelesaikan S1-nya dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (1982). Pada 1989 ia kemudian melanjutkan S2 Bidang Geofisika di Universitas Grenoble, Prancis dan melanjutkan S3 Bidang Geofisika di universitas yang sama pada 1992.
Sebelum mencapai posisi puncak di dunia Vulkanologi, bapak dua anak ini, memang merintis karir di Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi Departemen ESDM. Di Kementerian ESDM, awalnya Surono menjadi staf Divisi Pengamatan Gunung Api di PVMBG sejak 1982 hingga akhirnya dipercaya menjadi Kepala PVMBG mulai 2006.
Keahliannya tentang kegunungapian dikontonginya dari berbagai lembaga dunia. Seperti dari Unesco (Organisasi Pendidikan, Ilmu Pengetahuan, dan Kebudayaan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa) dan USGS (sebuah lembaga Survei Geologi AS). Begitu pun tulisan-tulisannya tentang kegunungapian.Berikut Biodata dan Frofile Lengkap Dr. Surono
Nama: Surono
Lahir: Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, 8 Juli 1955
Istri: Sri Surahmani (46)
1. Amy Rahmawati (28)
2. Bestri Aprilia (21)
- S-1 Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jurusan Fisika (1982)
- S-2 dan S-3 Université Joseph Furier, Gronable, Perancis, Programe Mechanique Mileux Geophysique et Enveronment
- Bekerja di lingkungan PVMBG (dulu Direktorat Vulkanologi) Departemen ESDM sejak 1982.
- Kepala Subdirektorat Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (2003)- Kepala PVMBG (2006)
Geophysicist, Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM)
Personal Information:
* Date of birth July 8, 1955
* Profession Geophysicist
* Contact Address : Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM)
Jl. Diponegoro No 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia
Tlp (62) 22 7272606 Fax. (62) 22 7202761
Email: surono "at-mark" vsi.esdm.go.id
1989 – 1993 Doctor in Geophysics, Savoei University, Chambery, France
1987 – 1989 D.E.A Mechanique Mileux Geophysique et Environment, Grenoble University, Grenoble, France
1977 – 1982 Bachelor Degree, Physic Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Professional Occupation
* 1982 – 1986 Staf of Volcano Observatory Division, Volcanological Survey Indonesia
* 1993 – 2001 Head of Physical-Volcanology, Volcano Analysis Division Volcanological Survey Indonesia
* 2001 - 2005 Head of Geological Hazard Mitigation Division Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation
* 2005 - Now Director of Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation
Training Course
Method of Volcano Monitoring by UNESCO, VSI, WOFO, USGS, Agency for International Development Yogyakarta, March 1986
* Analysis of seismic refraction data by Hagiwara, Masuda, and Kaneko methods, S1 Thesis of Physic Department, Bandung, ITB, 1982.
* Analysis of seismic refraction data by Kaneko methods, S1 Thesis of Physic Department, Bandung, ITB, 1982.
* Etude de phenomenes physiques observes lors d’une intrusion magmatique: Cas du volcan Kelut et de la Caldaeira de Long Valley, Thesis Doctor of the Savoie University, Chambery, France, 1992.
* Eruption du volcan Kelut (Java East, Indonesia), de Fevrier 1990 Analyse preliminaire des observation geologiques et geophysiques, rapport CNCG XXth, UGGI, Vienna Austria, 87-95, 1991
* Chracteristic of volcanic earthquake proceding the eruption of Kelut Volcano, Indonesia, on February 10, 1990, International Conggres, IAVCEI, Mainz (Germany).
* Risques volcaniques en Indonesie; le cas du Kelut (East Java), Volcaanism and Natural Hazard in Indonesia Archipelago, Result and Prespectives, Clermont Ferrand, France, December 2001.
* Landslide Hazard Mitigation in Indonesia, Volcanism and Natural Hazard in the Indonesia Archipelago, Result and Prespectives, Clermont Ferrand, France, December 2001.
* Coordinator of geology and geophysics survey and monitoring in Sidoarjo Mudflow, 2006.
* Coordinator of Ground Deformation and Subsidence Monitoring in Sidoarjo Mudflow, 2006.
* Study on acustic noise and temperature on Kelut Volcano, cooperation with Prof Michel HALBWACHS, Univ Savoie, France, 2002 – 2007.
* Coordinator of Volcano Group, JICA-JST Project, “Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction from Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia – Prediction of Volcanoes Eruption”, 2008-2013.
* MIAVITA Project (Mitigate and Assess risk from Volcanic Impact on Terrain and human Activities) 2008-2012.
* CVGHM collaborates with other European Institutes, such as: BRGM (France), INGV (Italy), and CNRS (France).
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