The charge stems from testimony Omar al-Faruq, who captured the U.S. intelligence because it was considered an accomplice of Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia. Therefore, Ba `Naphtali trial. But since the beginning of the trial, Al-Faruq was never presented as witnesses.
Similarly, Faiz Bafana, a member of JI who claimed Ba `Abdullah Sungkar Naphtali as a substitute. Abdullah Sungkar known Ba `Naphtali, who co-founded the Pesantren al-Mu'min in Ngruki, Sukoharjo, Central Java, on past 1972. Bafana only testify via video conference from Singapore, where he was arrested.
After the arrests, cases of Ba `Naphtali was convened at the Central Jakarta District Court building in Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, Kemayoran, in April 2003 ago. Then on September 2, 2003, PN-born man sentenced Jakpus Jombang, East Java, August 17, 1938 was four years in prison reduced the detention period.
In its decision, the judges declared Ba `Naphtali proven participating in the act of treason with the intention of overthrowing the legitimate government, making false information, and proved to exit and enter Indonesia without a permit. Responding to the verdict Ba `Naphtali states can not be accepted and filed an appeal.
Two days after the trial lawyer team Naphtali Ba `officially handed over the deed to the PN Jakpus appeal request, 4 September 2003. They considered that there were three allegations that not enough evidence to ensnare Ba `Naphtali.
Since the trial in Ba `PN Jakpus Naphtali kept in jail. Although alumni of the Faculty of Da'wa Al-Irsyad University in Solo, Central Java, had a chance to win this case. Through Judicial Review in the Supreme Court, the charges against Ba `Naphtali is not proven. He was just subjected to immigration offenses.
The longer detention after March 2003 could be released earlier. On April 30, 2004, Ba `Naphtali arrested again for allegedly violating anti-terrorism legislation and involved Jamaah Islamiyah, a group accused of carrying the terrorist act. There is new evidence Ba `Naphtali, never led the inauguration ceremony of the third logical Natsir Chairman Abbas at the Military Academy Camp Hubaidah.
Since then the man who accused spiritual head of Jemaah Islamiyah, was locked up until 2006. Coinciding on August 17, 2005, the detention period of four months and reduced Ba'asyir 15 days. Finally a man who is familiarly called Ustadz Abu released on June 14, 2006.
Abu Bakar Ba'asyir is now re-arrested after waging fill in Tasikmalaya, West Java, today. They say the arrest of Ba'asyir cases related to terrorism. When arrested Ustadz Abu is on the way to Solo, Central Java. Problem arrest justified the Head of Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters Inspector General of Police Edward Aritonang
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