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Attitude statement Parliamentary Caucus of Indonesia to Palestine

Tuesday, June 1, 20100 komentar

Berita Lampung Attitude statement Parliamentary Caucus of Indonesia to Palestine ; Condemnation of Israel for the attack against international humanitarian missions, continues to flow profusely. Indonesian Parliamentary Caucus for Palestine, also voiced strong on Israel's barbarous actions. Criticism was delivered in a Plenary Session of the Parliament this afternoon, Tuesday, June 1, 2010.

Indonesian Parliamentary Caucus Coordinator for Palestine, Al Muzzamil Yusuf, read the official stance of nine grains caucuses are as follows:

1. Strongly condemned the Israeli action as a violation of human rights and international crime.
2. Requires thorough investigation into the incident through political channels at a UN forum, OIC, ASEAN, and other diplomatic efforts.
3. Requesting the House leadership through the International Parliamentary Union (IPU) to urge the freezing of the membership of Israel, and reject Israeli delegation at the IPU and other international political forums.
4. Urge the United Nations passed a resolution and act on Israeli violations of humanitarian missions.
5. Demand that the U.S. government to provide military and economic sanctions against Israel, as a manifestation and proof of Obama's speech which upholds universal human rights and humanitarian.
6. Appealed to the European institutions to give strict punishment to Israel, whether economic or military sanctions.
7. Appealed to all governments, parliaments, and the world community, to unite to help the Palestinian people in humanitarian crises, and to act firmly against the Israeli crimes.
8. Appealed to countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel, to withdraw its ambassador from Israel as has been done by Turkey.
9. Appealed to the government of Egypt to open Rafah border to humanity.

Muzzamil explained, nine point demands Indonesian Parliamentary Caucus for the Palestinians that has been signed by several members of Parliament as a statement of support. "Until now, signature support continues to grow. When it was complete, we will immediately convey to the leadership of the House," said Muzzamil.

Previously, the leadership of the Plenary Session of Parliament, Deputy Speaker of the House Priyo Budi Santoso, also opened a plenary session with a statement of concern over the tragedy of the Palestinian humanitarian mission. "Through this platform, we strongly condemn the inhumane actions of Israel," said the leader of assembly Priyo from the table.

Fraction Gerindra through member Rachel Maryam, even handed a bouquet of white flowers on the leaders of the trial, as a form Gerindra concern over crimes committed by Israel. Israeli attacks against ships in waters off Mavi Marmara Gaza carrying 50 human volunteers, resulting in 16 people were killed and one wounded citizen of Indonesia.
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