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Chronological Disorder in batam

Thursday, April 22, 20100 komentar

Berita Lampung Chronological Disorder in batam Causes Riots in Batam Indonsia Stupid People; Causes of the riot began when at 08:00 o'clock Thursday morning, 20 employees received a briefing from the supervisor of Indian origin, which is a routine briefing. In the midst of these briefings was suddenly the atmosphere becomes hot because the supervisor of Indian origin, said that people all stupid Forces. Hear the speech of the employees felt insulted and they did protest but was ignored. They then left the meeting room and conduct a rally with other employees.

A total of 41 expatriate staff of experts from India, the security forces evacuated Thursday afternoon Batam island by sea after a riot that resulted in quite severe damage to the building of warehouses, offices and 27 cars. A total of 8000 employees of Drydocks World Graha pushed into the office and damaged buildings, contents.

current situation can not fully mastered the security forces, despite the Riau Islands Police Poltabes sulfur and 500 officers have been lowered but not yet able to defuse a situation that increasingly brutal. Batam Authority Public Relations, Joko Wibowo, admitted to reporters Thursday afternoon that it had just received the report.

PT Graha is Dydocks Work shipyard factory that employs a number of foreign workers. The last report from its factories, black smoke was visible from the factory area of Cape knapsack, Batam.

PR Polada Kepri AKBP Anggaria SmHK Lopis said due to the riots that occurred at Drydocks World Graha PT Tanjung knapsack reported nine people were wounded. They were treated at two hospitals, six people were hospitalized in Aru Bropol and three people treated at local hospitals. Anggaria argue about the death toll in the riot. This afternoon circulated the news that four people have died expats. "I was on the scene, so far no casualties yag died," he said.

Concerning the situation of unrest was brought under control this afternoon, workers had been asked to return to their homes, but there are still visible clustered around the factory. They generally want to see the remnants of a fire.

Leo Kombes sulfur Kapoltabes Braksan said foreign experts have been evacuated and now they are in police custody. So far police have described conduct an examination of a number of people who allegedly share responsibility event.

CyberNews journalists from Jakarta said that the Secretary of Labor will conduct an evaluation of the PMA. He also has asked the local Regional Offices to make the report chronological. To the workers these companies Muhaimin asked to be calm and restraint so as not to disadvantage the other party.
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