In breaking fast together at the White House, August 13 and then, Obama says that Muslims are part of the United States as well as adherents of other religions. He menambakan that every U.S. citizen has the right to worship and to establish places of worship.
Obama's support is disappointing many in the United States, especially the families of the victims 9 / 11. He is considered insensitive to the mourning families of the victims.
From a recent survey held by the Pew Research Center and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life showed that 18 percent of respondents believe Obama is Muslim, and only 34persen who believes Obama is a Christian, while others say 43 percent do not know what religion the president's first dark-skinned in the U.S.. In a survey in March last year only 11 percent who believe Obama follower of Islam, and 48 percent believe Obama's a Christian.
Time Magazine / ABT SRBI in the survey between August 17 and 16 and showed the same thing. As many as 47 percent of respondents rate Obama is Christian, and 24 persene considered Muslim. As for who does not know what religion Obama at 24 percent.
Since the kampenye 2008 U.S. presidential election year ago the debate about Obama's religion became one of the country's political commodity. It all started because Obama was born of a white mother, Ann Dunham, who is married with a Kenyan man who was born a Muslim, Barack Obama Senior. Given the middle name of both parents for Obama is quite "horrible" in his ear most of the conservatives in the U.S., Hussein, the name of one of Muhammad's grandson who was killed in Karbala Yazid bin Muawiyah dozen centuries ago and became an inspiration of faith, especially the Shiites in Iran .
In addition to Obama Sr. factor. other things that go further "suspicion" a lot of people to the belief Obama is his experience living in Indonesia in the period 1967 to 1971. At that time, Obama followed his mother married Lolo Soetoro to Jakarta. Last year before leaving Indonesia, Obama attended the SDN Besuki in Menteng, Baryy Soetoro, registered as a Muslim.
In the U.S. presidential election campaign two years ago copies of Obama's report card pages circulated widely on the Internet and used as a tool to hit the credibility of Obama. U.S. public seems to ignore the fact that the longer Obama attended Catholic school in Jakarta, Assisi. At school, he spent his first three years in Jakarta.
In the midst of the U.S. presidential campaign that, in the month of March 2008, the survey NBC News / Wall Street Journal Poll says 13 percent of respondents believe that Obama is Muslim.
Obama has repeatedly said some U.S. public doubts about religion. On one occasion in the middle of da campaign to explain that he is a Christian and joined the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago since at least 22 years ago. Obama married Michelle Obama in the church, and good friends with the former church leader, Jeremiah Wright is regarded as an uncle.
Obama's family also has repeatedly tried to convince some U.S. public that Obama is a Christian religion.
Obama's sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng in a conversation with the Free Online People in the campaign said that his brother was a devout Christian. Awards Obama on religion and followers of other religions that were inherited by his mother an agnostic. Since Obama and little Maya, her mother introduced all kitabsuci to them.
In the view of Obama, not a religious doctrine that brought destruction on earth. But pegikut which forbids religious fanatics and followers of other religions.
Confidence is what makes Obama, for example, in the first National Prayer Breakfast in his tenure, in February 2009, quoting one of the hadith of the Prophet Mohammed which reads, "no one among you who believe, until he prayed for his brother as he prayed for himself.
On that occasion, he also said that all good religions Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism, Confucianism, as well as adherents of humanity has the legal doctrine of gold (Golden Rule) are the same, which invites its adherents to love and respect for fellow human beings. "Whatever we select as our beliefs, let us remember that there is no religion that makes hatred as the core of his teachings," said Obama.
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