Al Qaeda supporters and sympathizers warned to prepare for a new war in the Middle East, which is said to be Israel against Iran. Al-Qaeda branch in Yemen, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), issued an audio message this month with speeches by al-Saeed al-Shehri where he told its members in the Middle East that "What will happen is estimated that a war started by people Jews against Iran. "
"Israel will conduct air strikes against Iranian nuclear installations as the beginning," Shehri said the Iranian regime will try to take advantage of the Israeli attack against its nuclear facilities to capture the holy city of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia blamed for helping to attack Israel. In turn, Israel will seize the territory in the Levant to establish a "greater Israel state" Sunni Arab population in the Middle East will tejebak between "Jews in the Middle East and Iran in the Peninsula."
Iran will attack American installations in the Gulf, pushing proxies in Iraq and Afghanistan to attack the United States, and is involved in a campaign of global terror.
Shehri detained at Guantanamo for six years after his capture in Pakistan in December 2001 before being sent home to his native Saudi Arabia and later moved to Yemen to help establish AQAP. He has been a creative strategist for AQAP.
In this message, Shehri told the troops that the climate of this war will provide many opportunities for al Qaeda and that they should start planning now how to exploit the conflict. Every sympathizer who has access to the Arab leaders as to the princes of the House of Saud, for example, must look for opportunities to kill one of them as a kind of act that reminds murder "tyrant Anwar Sadat" in 1981. Every pilot in the air force or the Saudi Arabian air force that was secretly supporting them to fly into the air space of Israel and tried to blow up targets to destroy it.
Al-Qaeda has consistently said the war between Israel and Iran can only be a good impact to the global fight to shed the blood of their enemies and forced America to berdampinan with Israel. But this warning is the most obvious so far and is equipped with the most explicit instructions on how to take advantage of new conflicts.
Shehri told his supporters that the AQAP is ready for the next war. He said "The Mujahideen Shura Council in the Arabian Peninsula" held a meeting to prepare for the chaos that will come and be ready to act. AQAP has been shown in the last year that they can reach the outside Yemen to carry out his plans when they send agents who tried to blow up the Northwest Flight 253 at Christmas last year. They have been active this summer in a strike intelligence officials and Yemeni government issued Inspire, al Qaeda's first journal in English on the Internet. General James Mattis, commander of the new Central Command, told the Senate this week that Al Qaeda gave significant pressure on the government of Yemen, which itself has been faced with other internal problems and that there were "signs of decline in the capacity of Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh to control the situation. "
So why al Qaeda would be another war? Because they count the Israeli attack on Iran will push Iran to strike back against not only Israel but also the United States. Iran will attack American installations in the Gulf, pushing its proxies in Iraq and Afghanistan to attack the United States, and is involved in a campaign of global terror.
In Lebanon, Hezbollah also blamed the war will start again, the rain of missiles on northern Israeli cities and towns and Israeli air strikes on Beirut and maybe even get to Syria. Iran might even try to close the Strait of Hormuz and disrupt the global energy market. All this chaos and violence will make America more unpopular in the Islamic world.
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