"We regret not being able to deal directly with SBY in the front court," said Win Sopacua residing in the Netherlands when contacted before the trial took place, Tuesday night (5 / 10).
Sopacua groundless claims of human rights violations registered in the Netherlands because the judges who hear his petition truly independent. "The difference in Indonesia that the ruling only on paper. We do not believe the laws of Indonesia. The word was sure there was space in the Netherlands," he said.
With the independent attitude of judges in the Netherlands, Sopacua hoping to call on President SBY to be presented in court. "There may be accommodated, but with the authority of the judge can summon SBY. We submit all to the Judge," he said.
In the lawsuit, Sopacua also sued the proclamation of Indonesia which falls on August 17, 1945. He said, Indonesia's Independence day is recognized in international law is dated December 27, 1949
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